The Jitzak Luria Academie
© Copyright Jitzak Luria Academie, Katwijk aan Zee, Niederlande/Netherlands, 2007, TAML
(Bible explanations of Jakob ben Luria - English)
Jakob ben Luria changed and completed his books up until his passing away (Aug. 2005). In order to make these extraordinary insights of Jakob ben Luria already limited accessible this short and convenient book was arranged and written (originally in German, now also translated into English and Dutch). It can be downloaded free of charge.
Finding out the truth was the main aim of Jakob ben Luria, as he was interested in
reality, and not in dogmas. Originally a physicist he was indefatigably looking for
objectively verifiable conformity with natural laws within the Thenach ("Old Testament"),
firmly convinced that the Word of God is perfect as God himself and religious truth
and reality are completely analogous. As he expected the presence of evidence of
a uniform logical order in the whole of the Thenach consistently persisted in the
deeper layers of numerical values, connotations and word relations. Therefore his
was interested in computer programming, expecting that he could better research the
depths within.
Jakob ben Luria’s work makes clear that much biblical symbolism can
be explained univocally and objectively, if one knows its meaning, and a much more
extensive reality becomes visible than only through the literal horizontal stories.
In this way his explanations about the Biblical Creation traditions make irrefutably
clear that an all comprising comprehensive order of a material and spiritual reality
lies underneath the seven days of creation. When one comprehends this order, one
cannot longer stick to the traditional held interpretation of a creation in one working
week. Some of these facts are also included in this (limited) summary of the explanations
of Jakob ben Luria.
Read more about objectively demonstrated cases in the Word of
God, e.g. how the first verse of the story of Creation and the first verse of the
Ten Words (not Commandments) show striking similarities and how that also clarifies
that the Ten Words are not ten commandments (as often translated), but are connected
to the order of Creation like a manual of a machine is connected with its construction
and functionality.
In all explanations the Hebrew words are included. Using a dictionary
(Biblical) Hebrew-English one can check the translations and judge for oneself.
See for more books:
The themes
1. Two names of God:
....... The name Yahweh
....... The name Elohim
....... The hidden
name of God
....... The full name of God
....... The name of God and numerical values
....... The
name of God in the center of the Torah
2. Tohu wah bohu
3. Paradise
4. The sending
from Paradise
5. Genealogy
6. The Ark
7. The patriarchs, Judah and Siloh
8. The
Torah, Israel and the world
9. The Ten Words
10. The great festivals
Thora and Computer