J.L.A. Tanach Search- &
Research Program 5 (bld 14)
© Copyright Jitzak Luria Academie, Katwijk aan Zee, Niederlande/Netherlands, 2007,
The Jitzak Luria Academie
* (in some webbrowsers double-click the file "thenachpr.exe" after downloading. This
file is mostly displayed in a window by the web browser or you can find it with the
Windows-explorer in the download folder)
**23,4 MB on harddisk
- Integrated word processor - Tanach text can be adapted and integrated in the program-main-index.
All program functions work with these files too.
- Own projects - you can make and distribute as one single file: translations and tip
popups (also with punctuated Hebrew - see below) to every word, translations to every
verse, general explanations (with verse links), topographic maps and time lines -
see: own projects.
- Bookmarks (collapsible, to be linked to Tanach verses with the right mouse key):
- Integrated calculator - copy the numerical values of selected text parts with one
click, calculate with it and copy the result in the search window for numerical values
with one click:
- Textmaker - (for people without Hebrew keyboard): type easily Hebrew text for the
clipboard (for inserting in word processors such as Word). Also as stand-alone program
with icon
- Module with all Biblical names and their Tanach passages as links (open by clicking)
- Module with all written numbers (such as ages) and their Tanach passages as links
(open by clicking)
- Apocrypha (King James, full)
- An arbitrary number of sub windows - for comparing Tanach texts, lists of the analytical
functions and search results of most different categories.
- Filter and rearrange function for search results.
- Tanach text and search results (also the vertical ones) can be printed and copied
for inserting in word processors such as Word, Wordpad, Word Perfect.
- Word tips inform about the Tanach word under the mouse cursor (can be switched off):
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